Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Again TAMU MALAM Perayaan KB
Madam Tiff enjoyed looking around at tamu for new flowers and plants to brought home,...and decorating her house landscapes.......
I brought Cici an Mdm Tiff to night tamu, again recently,......where we saw many many new thing happening there in KB gerai perayaan.....macam2 ada.....pameran dan jualan bunga bungaan pun ada......Agro expo, Snakes exibitions......Karoake singing competition...and many2 more...to see........
Ini lagi satu masakan Indonesia ,..Nasi Ayam Pancit,.........inda tau pamp cit kali ah....Tapi ramai yg mencuba makanan ani,...nyaman nya durang atu,.....he.....he....he.....
So apa lagi arab-families,..jalan2 tah jua durang ani mencari makan......panjang meja nya atu,..ramai kali ah,........
Jangan kuat makan bro......nanti payah tidur karang malam...kekenyangan.......
This brave lady holding a snake,......berani tah kau dang..aku takut2 kan memiggang ular ani.....
Oooi jaga2 jangan sampai terlapas karang ular atu dang,....; and below picture is the scenary of the gerai at night....
Saturday, July 28, 2007
On the same day, when we made the trip to TEMBURONG, we saw people rehearsals to the night performance's..culture shows,....even though the weather were cloudy.....they show the spirits to the Sultanate.....
this shows.....DIKIR BARAT TEAM......crews from SINGAPORE ARM FORCES CAMP......supporting the culture shows for that nite.......
Madam tiff with mdm Mala were nervous as they went in to the speed boat... Alhamdulilah we have a safe journey...even the weather were cloudly.....we made it.....
We brought along 2 good friends from (India and Indonesia) Mr.Ravi and Pak Semuti...they enjoy the trip very much....
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Birthday with Ozee Songs
BTW,..we wish you BINFADIL 'SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN' semoga murah rezeki dan tercapai cita2 mu jua...AMIN....sekalung doa kami kirimkan selalu....Amin..
Funny jua,he..he..he....I like the Ozee songs in the blog atu,..cali banar tah,...SONG AUSTRALIA. so tahun ani potong tah kek sendiri as we can only wish you "Happy birthday to you Dil"
we all miss you...always...... from .arab-families........
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Happy birthday to bapa Embran,(Nini Embran)..semoga panjang umur, d berikan kesihatan dan d murah kan rezeki,...Amin..............
he has been a great father and a great grand father to us and our children. he cares about everything around him and he's lovely too. without his help in building our house, we won't be having a great big house like now..........thanks for you helping hands PA-EN............
So, a very happy birthday to you, Mr.Embran Noordin. :D.
my dearest grandpa you've been good to us. you never failed to make us as a good grand children. :) we love you nenek Embran Noordin.
always from.arab-families...KB86
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Today, we saw his majesty arriving at our oil town Kuala Belait, most of the nations from all walks of life came to greet His Majesty together with the Royal Families......it was a happy moments for all our us once again to celeberate our beloved KING"S 61th Birthday...........in K.B.
Raiders escorted His Majesty and the Royal Families..arrivals..and Alhamdulilah today,..... the weather is very very fine....
Father Shaikh Hj.Ahmad never want to missed greetings His Majesty today morning.....even with his wheelchair.....
Friday, July 20, 2007
Cici Bananapancake
Well nothing much happening yesterday,..until we found 1 of our our beloved daughter got her new blog. ..Cici Bananapancake....how nice she named her blog,...he...he...he....Congrates to you ..my dear CICI..oi..(inspire by... PABLO).......... an advice to you......
Welldone!.. CICI keep it going until u got what you aim for,...I know you can do it.......bebe....! (ada tu karang cam.. mu atu,..sabar ja.....dulu). he..he..he...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Happy Birthday to Eddy and Dina
Hai Eddy Dutchman ! happy blated B'day to U...with many ..happy returns..bah bila kan belanja.....
Just got the news today morning, after breakfast with father Ambran, saying

that his son's Eddy (Dutchman) and daughter Dinna birthday yesterday,...18.7.2007...
SELAMAT HARI ULANG TAHUN untk kamu berdua.........yg ke berapa ya....?
SELAMAT HARI ULANG TAHUN untk kamu berdua.........yg ke berapa ya....?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Rara's and her mum mdm tiff..loves to wear tudong,....(headcover) so they stop to shopp .....and this is a must for all our muslims womens from young to old ages......to cover their AURATs........(wajib)
Brunei's favourites...BURGERS are very sellable among young childrens, home made burgers are the best.........and Papa john and Baby john,..many many JONES names are available.. U can even upgrade it to SPECIALS, like with extera cheese or extera eggs and so on,.....
This is Bruneian Typical menu,..Charcoal Grilled cuttlefish and we hammered it until soft...while its still hot....after that u can eat with some chillis sauce..yum....yum.....nice...
The typical foods that we see all the time during any celebtations, BBQ chicken Wings, BBQ Tongking Ayam, Sotong Bakar, Sotong Tutuk..all are very popular to all people in Brunei..but my advice is beware of coles...terols in these foods.
Macam-macam ada,..sampai GERABOX kereta jadi GEARBOX makanan,....bukan main nama ani ,..tapi jangan lupa jaga jaga jua bila makan.. takut2 salah masuk speed 5, masuk hospital makan SUP GEARBOX...he..he...he....
anyway you must try this food, well recommanded and a very popular dishes..GEARBOX......
anyway you must try this food, well recommanded and a very popular dishes..GEARBOX......
even SOTO KAWIN are very popular among Bruneians..
Its rara's closed mate.....yeh..she enjoyed doing this part time selling KEROPOK LEKOR at her family stall in d evening.
Bah..! jaga2 jangan ketumpahan saja..lai.....
tapi nyaman lekor nya ani,..light and crispy...u must come and try.....
And everyone's favourites, chicken wingggs,.....he.he...he... jaga2 banyak colesterol ni,....and tungking jua...sama nyaman tapi ....colest....rol.
Semangat berniaga ani yg mesti d pupuk dari awal,...jangan malu2 belajar bedagang ani...lai..
Our mum and dad use to teach us dulu2 masa damit2 belajar dan d latih berjaja dan bedagang....
"Berniaga ani jua satu sunah... Rasulluh S.A.W....Perniagaan adalah sembilan persepuluh dari sekalian puncha rezeki.".....Amin..
SOTONG TUTUK...also most favourites,...nyaman makan sama sambal nya,....tapi ani .....jaga2 saja bila makan atu,..asalkan berpada2 makan ani,...inda jua di larang tapi must know you limits,
(nya Doktor lah.. atu nasihat nya).
Bukan sebarangan nama nya atu,..bukan saja kerita ada GEARBOX
tapi makanan pun ada GERABOX.......
SOTONG TUTUK...also most favourites,...nyaman makan sama sambal nya,....tapi ani .....jaga2 saja bila makan atu,..asalkan berpada2 makan ani,...inda jua di larang tapi must know you limits,
(nya Doktor lah.. atu nasihat nya).
Bukan sebarangan nama nya atu,..bukan saja kerita ada GEARBOX
tapi makanan pun ada GERABOX.......
my..quotes for membali barang2 dan makanan d gerai........to all :
.........."so...yg murah tetap murah,....yg murah jangan marah......kan ani rahsia perniagaan lah..sebab itu ia murah......so jangan MARAH..."
Monday, July 16, 2007
I met our brother BinFarigue, selling different kinds of product from Dubai and Middle East,...macam macam ada, d gerai numbur 16 & 17, products ranges from Shishha, Bakhhor, Abaya, Jubah, Tasbih Kookka, Cincin kookka,Jam tangan, Jam Azan, macam2 eh,.....ada...murah murah.....boleh discount lagi.... Contect. FARIQUE ENTEPRISE. TEL NUMBER.+6738859180
We also shopped around and found this specila wig,...mcm ALLYCATS kali ah!... tapi B$45.00 terabang oleh nya............ rock steady.. lah you BIN-NABIL.....
This is the time around again for us to take our families to go together with parents to enjoy a nite out together, to spend the festival with the rest of our people in this district, we can mingle around and chat one anoter as we meet...jalan jalan cari makan.......... Gerai Perayaan at KB, this year seems to be much much better than those previous years, with their new facilities...n....lots more of new and old businees vendors displaying their products and foods items..very well organised, .......thaniah kapada.. JAWATANKUASA Gerai Perayaan KB.....BIG APPLAUSsssE.....
Saperti biasa kalau tak singgah makan SOTO tah sah lah tu,..not forgeting makan satay,...roti john,..Bakso Jawa.....Nasi Ayam Penyet....
Arab-families@KB gathering
It was full of funs,... we all enjoy....apa lagi makan -makan sampai kanyangan,.....so most members of the families participated in making it more and more merrier.............
To our organisers,..jangan jaih2 lagi,..ah...lagau2 saja munkan makan atu,....kami semua sedia,...tu......lain kali lagi ah,....... Mun faham Bisai,.....................................Mun kamu faham bisai kamu sudah,..tu..Amin
....than....there came our Transformer Ladies with BinFaiz, musical chairs competitions, Face drawing competitions, Bouncers and many2 mores.............lucky draws....
Its was fun for BinAbid to see all his school friends and relatives, uncles and aunties coming to his B'day ..parties......and we were entertained by unplugged acoustic instinct by FINGERPRINZ from KB, their beautiful talents and songs makes all audiences enjoyed their musics........
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