Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Raya Visitors @ Arab-families

BinKhalid @ arab-families

Muslims in the country are taking the opportunity to visit their families and friends at the open houses to mark the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.....and atmosphere is still very much festive as people flock to open house to greet the arab-families.....recently...

Some of the arab-families friends and relatives also take the opportunity to take photos for remembrance during their visit........ to 'BaitulKhalifah'..

G.Deli and families from Tutong......

Che'gu Hjh.Sarifah met long time friend Che'gu Noralam the sister of G.Deli

G.Deli families.......

Cici and friends......

Kantalensa Boy......

Cici and her school mates.......

Papa n Mama...c Umi... Cici girlfriend.......from BSB..

G. Carudin and families came to visit arab-families....

G. Carudin families....

more..pictures to be posted.........

D' Carudin's Families......

D. wife of G. Carudin......

more pictures with Princess Rara and Cici's best friends........

during raya visit.........................

arab-families friends.....

selamat hari raya....

Pa Nawi Wedding 2007

semoga berbahagia hingga keanak cucu..Amin!!!!

Seriakdi Cafe and Restaurant
BinAz and families...(Amoi)

Selamat Pengantin Baru...buat PaNawi dan keluarga .....pada 28hb. Oct. 2007

Semoga berbahagia disamping isteri tersayang...Amin!!!

PaNawi bersama Ibu tersayang...sebelum berangkat ke rumah pengantin perempuan..

Semasa berziarah......

arab-families bersama kawan2 d kem...semantara menunggu pengantin....berziarah..

keluarga Panawi....nampak happy saja di Raya ini...!!

Wo.....D'Umi's from BinAz... n families cousins.....

Bibi and guest during the wedding of PaNawi....

Kawan-kawan dan rakan rakan kerja pun ada ...members golf pun ada...macam-macam ada..lah....

Hj.Amir and families (jadi al-wakil PaNawi.....lai)


.so ari ani inda dapat main golf..brother...PaNawi kawin.....golf tutup....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Serikandi's Open house 2007

In conjunction with the festive season of Aidilfitri, SERIKANDI GROUP, held an "Open House" at Baitul Khalifah (the official residence of Arab-families) in KualaBelait.............

yesterday 27th. October 2007.

The Serikandi Group have always held open house every year (this our 3rd.years) as a mean to consolidate friendships with those clients of SERIKANDI GROUP, especially with the regular clients, private companies', government and non-governments organisation's' staff, and members of the arab-families n the public.....

Selamat Hari Raya...Maaf zahir Batin.......

"this event were especially sponsored by..


With the courtesy visit of the Belait District Officers, Awg.Mohammad Hj.Abd.Rahman and with the present of some government officials , Serikandi Group presented a cash donation of B$1,500.00 for the Belait Welfare Fund to assist the needy in times of emergencies.

"We hope the donations will be able, in someways, to assist the needy in the district in emergency cases such as fire catastrophes or natural disasters"

.....said the CEO of Serikandi Group.....Amin..!!!!

The Assistance of the Belait District Officer (ADO).....also came to make a coutresy visit and wishes everyone presented at the open house "Selamat Hari Raya".....

The Officers from The Singapore Arm forces (SAF) manage to make a trip visit to the CEO of Serikandi Group...yesterday....

Some of the Government Officer.....with arab-families...

Cheers of Hari Raya.....with the present of the arab-families relatives from BSB and some as far as Labuan....Sabah...

Jejak kasih ...lama inda berjumpa..saudara saudara ani hampir 30 tahun...

tapi semua nya masih hansom kali ah.......

arab-families with some friends from Oman.......celebrating.......


Friends and relatives came to wish Hari raya to one another.......

"as this Raya celebration to foster ties while asking for forgiveness from each other"

Princess Rara and Sister prepare their best before the Guests arrive.....

Ada rambut baru kah......? he..he...he...

Celebrating Hari Raya...in Serikandi Ways.....

Woo..one whole lamb.....BBQ's.........(rugi lah kalau inda datang)

The atmosphere of Hari Raya is apparent with the present of guests of various races and region. It is a display of close solidarity and cooperation between Serikandi Group and the Community.

arab-families relatives...... also came to join the Raya celebration.

BinAz with Omani guests.........."I like your style ya...Shaikh!!!"

Some 350 guests came to wish us "Selamat Hari Raya".....and being entertained..and treated with various kinds of Foods the " Serikandi Ways....... "(macam2 ada....)

Thank you to the Organising Committees of Serikandi's Open House 2007...........

for the job well done!!!!!

Our invited guests.......smiles....

Cici entertained the children's....

arab-families in Brunei....with some of the arab-families from Oman.....

Cici and the children's were entertained to more foods.....

Our brother M'...had been like a child to me....said Mum Sharifah

Most guests stayed a bit longer and enjoying Chatting with their friends

Ahlan Washlan......ya Abuya.....Shk.Ahmad....

Posing with some of our friends......

Princess Rara and friends

The Big..Makan Time.......come and join in........he..he...

Our KB...District Officer with our invited guests........

arab bertemu arab di brunei

Princess Rara and Cici...her Sis....

Selamat Datang Tuan......and Selamat Hari Raya.....

The Best of Princess Rara.......

Most of our invited guests enjouyed themself at the gathering..

Pictures of arab-families relatives from BSB...s

macam mencari siapa kuat kah siapa besar?..he..he..he..

Selamat Hari Raya to all......and many thanks for your patronage and supports.



and special thanks to :

The Managments and Staff to make this even a success....not forgetting our sponsores....

and the organising committees.....special thanks to you all..... Serikandi's...

More .....and more pictures posted here for you all to see...Enjoy it...!!!!!