we thank you for your continued readership and supports.
He posted me some of the pictures they took in Isfahan, Tehran, Iran
Tetamu Kehormat Pehin, Para Pegawai dan para jemputan di bawa melawat dan di berikan taklimat menganai fungsi tiap-tiap Jabatan di Daerah Belait.
"Customers Day Activities"
The "Customer Day" was open to all members of the public and providing opportunities to the members of the public in giving theirs views and suggestions, which may help to improve its services for the resident of the K.B. district.
There were questions and answers programmes. And were open to all members of the public at helping them to get answers instantly.
Arab-families were invited to attend the opening ceremony . PuanHjh.Sharifah Aishah Al-Hijazi pakai tudong biru bersama Mdm.Tiff.
Members of the public were given an opportunity to ask some questions relevant to the departments concerned.
Some of Senior Officers attending the briefing and chaired the session.
"The objective of having these programmmes is to provide better understanding and knowledge to the general public on the rolesand responsibilities of the departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs in the KB. district."
Afternoon briefing were from the Kuala Belait Miniciple Board.
They spoke on the role and functions of the the department, including checking and issuing business licences " Lesen Rampaian" on business premises.
Session ended at 4.30 pm.
Alhamdulilah, Sunday 2nd. March 2008 arab-families attending the "Majelis Perkahwinan" of our cousin Lt.(U) Ak. Hairol Iskandar Bin Pg. Ahmad. Her mother Sharifah Mariani Bte Syed Othman Al-Sagoff.....
Congratulation to you Hairol.....