Arab-families, had the special opportunity to meet Ary Ginanjar Augustiuan in person ( Ari only for a day) , recently at one of the Hotel in Brunei Darussalam, on the 28th.Aug. 2007. who's famous books ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Quotient) with THE ESQ WAY 165......."BEST SELLER"....(already sold..560,000 books .)....ESQ adalah sebuah Icon dan di synergikan Science, Sufi, Psikologi dan Managment melalui AL-Quraan, 1 Ihsan 6 Rukun Iman dan 5 Rukun Islam..... .The Seminar for 3 days as from 30th.Aug.2007, recommended for executives or entrepreneurs.......MUST attend......!!!! Ada tiga syarat utama untuk menjadikan seorang executive atau entrepreneur yang berjaya,....Ia itu..KNOWLEDGE, SKILL dan ATTITUDE..and the most difficult is ATTITUDE, ESQ WAY 165....give the ways from Al-Quraan....Subhanallah......extra ordinary......Mashallah.... With Aminul Rachman Pulungan, General Manger, ESQ Leadership Center....very good and full of resources presenter (for 3 days...) well experiences in ESQ........ Ary Ginanjar memberikan penerangan...THE ESQ WAY...165......and he said we are the Special Group this time of Nisfu Sa' he called us "Angkatan Nisfu Sa'abaan Brunei Darussalam" ......Subhanallah..... Most training and lecturers are done sitting on the floors.....( with out chairs,...only for older persons with chairs....) Some games were given to the ensure they actually... understand the ESQ WAY 165 Madam Tiff also attending the Seminar for 3 days...........she met alot of ladies new friends...... In his book says "Ukuran tubuhmu tidak penting, Ukuran otakmu cukup penting, Ukuran hatimu itulah terpenting...... "BC Gorbes..
and now arab-families become the ESQ Alumni........
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