Saturday, September 29, 2007

arab-families....ada-ada saja......

Many days for Arab-families filled with lots of fun's and unforgettable memories........not the money we spend but time cherish them...........

BinAz with families members during our picnic gathering.....good fun..!!!!!!

Uncle Sam95 with our eldest Sis Fatmah..always looking forward to our families plans and rain and shines...days and theirs best advices......

Our eldest Shaikh Ahamd Said Hijazi with his closed brother Mohammad Hijazi...

Affifah with smiles of her own.......
This is Fatin...Binhanafi's and only Fatin in Arab-families...Waleed Abed Al-Hijazi our well known Jeddah Macam-macam saja BinAz with closed families members...

Photo with our brother Brunei Darussalam visiting the Arab-families....

some photos which I kept with me, I just post it here for others to see......and share..with all my Arab-families anyway there are now ............ada ada saja WORLD..WORLD..WORLD!!!!

Mimut and hubby... our relatives .......we met recently before Ramadan one of the occasion during dinner.....
picture taken by his home,.........given to me....

Its our mum Sharifah (2nd from right)...all are related to Arab-families....
Ibu Hjh.Arab with Kak Nor..and Shasha....sharing their best moments...
Ibu Hjh, Arab... with Sherry and Cici......showing off their smiles........
Ibu-Ibu hjh..Arab..Aishah and Asiah... selalu seiring dan sejalan......(adi beradi)

Syed Mohmmad our uncle..the "KARATE MASTER"
Mun Sharifah the founder of "SERIKANDI" our beloved mum......

It's BinKhalis on th DST. Billboards Advertisements

Wawa from Singapore with Mum Sharifah sharing views.....during our visit...

untuk renungan kita bersama....wahai arab-families..

"Manusia merdeka adalah manusia yang selalu ingat dia tak pernahmerdeka daripada penglihatan ALLAH!!"

Tangkap ular rupa nya berbisa,

Lalu dinobati jadi Mr.Asia,

Selamat sejahtera selamat luar biasa,

Semoga bahagia sepanjang usia.....


arab-families.@ old....RAYA's......celebrations

HAPPY DAYS with Happy moments of arab-families Berhari Raya....20 to 25 years ago.......
Down memory lane ...hari raya's for arab-families....

Twenty years ago. we wish we had Internet connections, phones, camberas. and ..Laptops we can keep those memories of our families Raya's celebrations.....but what we had are only those photos in our old albums....that we treasures at home....

(amacam durang ani?..lawa mcm superstar bila beraya atu..)

Some of us were not even married at that time of Raya's, we wish at that time took pitures with our siblings..... they look like ah......!!! 20 years ago.!!!!......he..he..he...

This pictures taken at our Seria Home Sweet Home....Shop house, 44. Jalan Bunga Melor Seria......where we all were actually born at Seria Oil Town....We are close as a family unit and have fond memories of the place.

Raya's at that time was fun..we go "mengayau" to house with our parents....introducing us to other families members.....from Seria to Bandar, even Kampong Ayer...Our parents made it a point that we all go together so that our relatives know each and one of us.

Here is a picture of our Raya at our own house in Jalan Pandan..Kuala Belait
Mum never fail to amaze us with her cooking and raya delicacies... ketupat, rendang, serunding, sayur lodeh, sambal pengantin,..and many many more ..........
Raya....dishes .. ..Nyaman!!!

We had Dad sibling from Singapore, Umi Hadijah with Wawa.... from Singapore ..visitng us during Raya's......I think this picture was taken some 25 years ago.....everyone looks young and beautiful...ha..ha..ha....(alum kawin kali ah.....)
Arab-families with Mummy Mah. our adorable sister. hehee..
All alum kawin ketika itu.....apa macam?.... handsome kah?........

Olivia Newton John and The Grease Team... beraya d Limbang kali ah!! hahaha
Apa lagi mengayau tah kami beramai-ramai....melanggar rumah sudara saudara dari pagi ke malam.....alum abis alum beranti......

siok bah..setahun sekali.....Beraya..atu...(Brother Binaz mcm C Abid...)

Eh.. Nda mau kalah abis durang ani!!
Big Boss and GM. Dua sekawan ani,.... inda kurang gaya bila musim Raya atu.....

Buat ristaan bersama..haha.
Makan ketupat bersama rengang,

Mari mengayau beramai kesana kemari,

Buat abang adek arab ku jangan meradang,

Kerana gambar di blog ani saja menghibur hati....

Semoga Hari Raya ini membawa berkat dan rahmat untuk semua...

SELAMAT HARI RAYA..yang akan menjelang all readers.....

from arab-families.....

Happy 21st..B'Day.... Hazim Boy

We..from all the Arab-families you HazimBoy,.... Happy 21st. Birthday today......29th.9.2007..........(pic...hazimboy with mum)
We wish you all the best of luck with many happy returns....of the day boy..........Geology Rocks is fun ye....!!!!!
Happy moment with all relatives and cousins.........we miss you this raya....lah..!!!!!

We doa for you success in you future undertaking and success.....Amin!!


Thursday, September 27, 2007


Marhabban..Welcome to WORLD fashions of SERBAN's....
courtesy by... Arab-families
featuring.... WORLD OF SERBAN's....n fashions.....
" Serban" is the head gear very popular among the young generations of today in Brunei....
Ulama' Arab Saudi, Sheikh Salman al-Oadah ada menyebut:

"Pandangan mengenai serban ialah ianya bukan sunnah. Ianya adalah adat orang arab semenjak zaman Arab Jahilyah. Rasullullah s.a.w memakai serban kerana ia adalah adat di tempat baginda. Kita tidak boleh mengatakan serban sebagai sunnah dan tidak boleh juga mengharamkan pemakainnya. Sebaliknya ia adalah adat dan kebiasaan. Tiada hadis sahih mengenai fadhilat memakai serban."
Posted by Ibn Hussin

Serban adalah kalimah farsi yang menggabungkan antara kalimah “sar” dan “ban” yang memberi makna “belit kepala”
Didalam bahasa Arab, Serban disebut dengan “العمامة” al-‘Imamah. Di dalam buku “mengapa tidak berserban?” karangan Muhammad Nur Lubis, serban di definisikan,
“kain yang dililitkan di atas jenis kopiah, samada dari jenis kain khas atau lain yang diletakan di atas kepala”
Adapun didalam Kamus al-Mu’jam al-‘Arabi Al-Asasi, Al-‘Imamah didefinisikan sebagai;
ما يلف على الرأس
Maksudnya; “sesuatu yang dibelitkan atas kepala” (m/s 869)
Mengikut Ahli Sejarah, pemakaian serban adalah merupakan pemakaian kebiasaan arab semenjak zaman jahiliyyah lagi, sehinggakan arab menganggap bahawa serban adalah mahkota orang-orang arab sebagaimana disebut oleh Saidina Ali RA ;
العمائم تيجان العرب
Maksudnya; “serban adalah mahkota orang-orang arab”
Walaupun serban merupakan pakaian yang dibanggakan oleh orang-orang arab semenjak zaman jahiliyyah lagi, tetapi pemakaian serban juga merupakan pemakaian yang disukai oleh Nabi SAW.

(from. Riyadhus Sholihin....Ibn.Hussin)

Wearing Serban normally come with wearing Jubbah........especially after performing Haj or Umrah..from the Holy land...

arab-families featuring the traditional dress of the Arabs........
"SERBAN" and "JUBAH"....

"Serban" is the head cover and also "jubah" is the dress..
.(tengok mcmana mereka ikat serban yg ini...cantik lah!!!)
"Memakai serban adalah suatu amal sunah"

So many ways we see how some people create (lilit) their Serban.

This is the traditional dresses...(JUBAH) of the Omanis....

This the traditional dresses of the Saudi's....Arabia..

"Serban adalah mahkota orang-orang Arab"

"Bahawa bilamana Rasullah (s.a.w) memakai serban, baginda akan membiarkan hujung serbanya bergantung di antara bahunya"

" Kebiasaan Rasullah (s.a.w)..ialah membiarkan ekor seban berjuntai"

Arab-families with their Serban and Jubah......mashallah Shaikh....... Shaikh...Arab...!!! ( 1996)

Many fashions and colours of Serban..................... and..Jubah nowdays...........popular worn by young...and.............. old......very creatives....!!!

and now become fashionable...

"Wearing serbans during prayers make the prayers more valuable"

"Wearing serbans (head gear) magnify the quality and value of your prayers."
Bangsa Arab memakai serban untok melindungi dari pada panas dan pasir......
Any way we, arab-familes love to wear serban at all our families occassions............

Go..! Go..! Go...! ...Vote for Pablo....

Ahlan....Wassahlan...Marhabban to Pablo..........Selamat berpuasa ..Semoga Sehat sehat Sejahtera..,........ Amin......
We, arab-families missed you so much here (Brunei) at home at this Ramadan......Masahallah.......tuan Shaikh.......

Congrats to World of Pablo for making it to top 5 Bruneian blogs. We, Arab-families are true supporters of Pablo and we would like him to win for the following reasons:

1. someone who shares life experiences as part of a learning process for all,

2. someone who is a mentor to my children and all our kids,

3. Someone who believes in the community spirit and a leader in many ways to our family.

and lastly,
4. Someone who inspires me to blog.huhuuhuh.. baru ya!!

bah! Teruskan undian anda di sini.

Terima kaseh atas perhatian awda semua!
from; arab-families....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Arab-families...@KHATAMAL QURAAN

The new genaration of arab-families junior...........organised the families "khatamal Qura'an" on the 2007 at Baitul-Khalifah....

Alhamdulilah,..our arab-families Junior, organised religious activities during first 10 days of the fasting month.....Abang and adek (the twins) recite the whole Holy Qura'an with the help and guidance of brother BIB and their mentor Abg. Hj. Deen.....what we call "KHATAMAL QURA'AN"
This is in conjunction with Bin-Khalid 19th.Wedding anniversary's on th 23.9.07 at Baitul-Khalifah........and we invited some members of the families for "Bersungkai Beramai-Ramai"..for the doa selamat....
Some of their invited guests for the majelis "Bersungkai_Beramai-Ramai"...
Apa lagi kami ...makan tah kami sampai......Kanyang.....Amin!!!
Preparing for the "Majelis Khatamal Qura'an".....the final chapters on the Surah...Surah.......
We are able to performed Tahlil and Doa Selamat before the "Break-fast....".(Sungkai)
Doa Khatam were read infront of our eldest house, Sh.hj. Ahmad Said Al-Hijazi for the blessing of the doa Khatam.....he started with Surah Al-fatihah.....

Doa khatam were read by Bin_Khairi....the final Doa's......
Waiting time for the chit chat for awhile..menunggu Badok Berbunyi..........

We hope to organised this event annually among our arab-families...Inshallah....3 in ONE..(Khatamal...Bersungkai Beramai-Ramai and Tahlil Arwah)...Inshallah