HAPPY DAYS with Happy moments of arab-families Berhari Raya....20 to 25 years ago.......

Down memory lane ...hari raya's for arab-families....
Twenty years ago. we wish we had Internet connections,..mobile phones,..digital camberas. and ..Laptops ..so we can keep those memories of our families Raya's celebrations.....but what we had are only those photos in our old albums....that we treasures at home....
(amacam durang ani?..lawa mcm superstar bila beraya atu..)
Some of us were not even married at that time of Raya's,...how we wish at that time took pitures with our siblings..... ...how they look like ah......!!! 20 years ago.!!!!......he..he..he...

This pictures taken at our Seria Home Sweet Home....Shop house,..no 44. Jalan Bunga Melor Seria......where we all were actually born at Seria Oil Town....We are close as a family unit and have fond memories of the place.

Raya's at that time was fun..we go "mengayau"...house to house with our parents....introducing us to other families members.....from Seria to Bandar, even Kampong Ayer...Our parents made it a point that we all go together so that our relatives know each and one of us.

Here is a picture of our Raya at our own house in Jalan Pandan..Kuala Belait
Mum never fail to amaze us with her cooking and raya delicacies... ketupat, rendang, serunding, sayur lodeh, sambal pengantin,..and many many more ..........
Raya....dishes .. ..Nyaman!!!

We had Dad sibling from Singapore, Umi Hadijah with Wawa.... from Singapore ..visitng us during Raya's......I think this picture was taken some 25 years ago.....everyone looks young and beautiful...ha..ha..ha....(alum kawin kali ah.....)

Arab-families with Mummy Mah. our adorable sister. hehee..
All alum kawin ketika itu.....apa macam?.... handsome kah?........

Olivia Newton John and The Grease Team... beraya d Limbang kali ah!! hahaha
Apa lagi mengayau tah kami beramai-ramai....melanggar rumah sudara saudara dari pagi ke malam.....alum abis alum beranti......
siok bah..setahun sekali.....Beraya..atu...(Brother Binaz mcm C Abid...)
Mari mengayau beramai kesana kemari,
Buat abang adek arab ku jangan meradang,
Kerana gambar di blog ani saja menghibur hati....
Semoga Hari Raya ini membawa berkat dan rahmat untuk semua...
SELAMAT HARI RAYA..yang akan menjelang .....at all readers.....
from arab-families.....