The new genaration of arab-families junior...........organised the families "khatamal Qura'an" on the 2007 at Baitul-Khalifah....
This is in conjunction with Bin-Khalid 19th.Wedding anniversary's on th 23.9.07 at Baitul-Khalifah........and we invited some members of the families for "Bersungkai Beramai-Ramai"..for the doa selamat....
Some of their invited guests for the majelis "Bersungkai_Beramai-Ramai"...
Apa lagi kami ...makan tah kami sampai......Kanyang.....Amin!!!
Preparing for the "Majelis Khatamal Qura'an".....the final chapters on the Surah...Surah.......
We are able to performed Tahlil and Doa Selamat before the "Break-fast....".(Sungkai)
Doa Khatam were read infront of our eldest house, Sh.hj. Ahmad Said Al-Hijazi for the blessing of the doa Khatam.....he started with Surah Al-fatihah.....
Doa khatam were read by Bin_Khairi....the final Doa's......
Waiting time for the chit chat for awhile..menunggu Badok Berbunyi..........

We hope to organised this event annually among our arab-families...Inshallah....3 in ONE..(Khatamal...Bersungkai Beramai-Ramai and Tahlil Arwah)...Inshallah

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