Syed Yahya
Ahlan......Alhamdulilah....some of Syed Yahya KualaBelait made a visits to arab-families @ Baitul Khalifah last nite....
Syed Mohammad ,Syed yahya, Syed Mashore, Syed othman and Sharifah Nur are all brothers and sisters...........
(Pic.) we use to call her Bungsu Bini becoz her husband (the late of Syed Yahya) we used to Bungsu Laki...(my grand father Syed Mohammad youngest brother) and My mother is Sharifah Hjh.Maimunah Bte Syed Mohammmad....
"YA-ALLAH semoga ziarah in membawa berkah, rezeki dan keselamatan pada kami semua......Amin!!!"
Arab-families so happy to see and meet their relatives..during this hari raya celebrations....
Grand daughters of Syed Yahya......
A common tradition for celebration to visits families members near and far during the raya festivals

enjoying their best moments @ Baitul Khalifah.
enjoying their best moments @ Baitul Khalifah.
arab-families have been looking foward to meet on another since the start of the holy month of Ramadhan.....
Lovely young arab-families......
Families of Syed Hamzah (youngest son of Syed Yahya)

Arab-familes were actully looking forward to meet some of his roots....this raya visits also enhance community ties among us....
May ALLAH blessed our arab-families ......Amin!!!
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