Alhamdulilah......Ahlan....marhabban..yesterday 2.11.2007 marks the 67th birthday of our beloved mother "Mum Hjh. Syarifah Maimunah Bte Syed Mohammad Al-Saggoff".......we and the arab-families celebrated it with the collaboration of Serikandi Group as the Main sponsors this year, @ Serikandi Cafe and Restaurant KualaBelait.........
Founder of "SERIKANDI" name............
Mum Syarifah delivering her speech..and thank to everyone present and to all sponsors, Serikandi Workers, Special invited guests,.....and the arab-families making the event a success.... wishing everyone "Selamat Hari Raya.....Aidil fitri.....Maaf zahir dab Batin.....
Keluarga Besar Shaikh Hj. Ahmad Said Al-Hijazi juga tidak ketinggalan untuk..sama2 merayakan hari jadi Isterinya yang tersayang......
Happy birthday to you....Mun!!!!
Happy birthday song followed by the cutting of birthday cake.....
Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you..!!!!
Masak ketupat dimalam Raya,
Singgah di kedai membali kuali,
Kami ucapkan selamat berbahagia,
Kapada Mama yang menyambyt hari jadi.....
BteFatmah with Invited guests....
Madam Tiff wishing Mum Syarifah......Happy Birthday mum!!!......
D' arab-families.....BinKhalid and Mdm.Tiff
D' arab-families.......BinSaid, BinKhalid, BinAz and Abed with brother Sam....
Our arab-families Sis BteFatmah with (hubby) Sam........
The loving couple.....G.M family.....(arab-families cousin)
Our arab-families Doctor Soad.....always closed with Mum Syarifah.....
Sherry with her loving cousin Seri........
Our Hjh.K......always close to arab-families....... Sherry....
D' Umi' from BinAz
D'arab-families..juniors........enjoying themself.....
Miss Poni....always smiling....... ada.....kah?
Mdm.Ros with her family
Ibu arab......D'arab-families....
Kumpulan Gambus dari Kuala Belait....."Kumpulan Dendang Kunci Batu"Princess Rara....memang sporting
Menari dengan Irama Gambus.... lagu ....Pak Dukun....
Cute lah...rambut nya........ani.....lawa.!!!!!!
Hallo...girl.....lawa..lah...Cute...adi Alai syafi..ani
D' Arab-families Juniors....Princess Rara, BinKhairi and BinKhalis & Pengirans Junior
Abed (BinAz junior) Umi and cousin Aziz...
Cici D' arab-families...... with Umi Seri and Umi Poni......
Syed Mohammad with Syarifah Maimunah Al-Saggoff families..
What happen to you face Abg. Din?........someone kissing you? ha....ha...ha.....
Serikandi Cafe and Restaurant workers.......
Invited guests from Serikandi Group.....
Thank you to Mr and Mrs.Shantosh who came all the way from BSB.....
Thanks to KB.Happening for being here with us to celebrate.....hope you 2 enjoy our Gammbbusssssss.........................Hidup Gambus....!!!!!
Dr. Ismail Opak datang bersama famili nya ......jauh bejalan chegu.....dari Sungai Mau....
The Karate Man.......Syed Mohammad Syed Othman Al-Saggoff
Our Sis Hjh.Zahrah......bersalam sama Hjh. K.....
Selamat Hari Raya..jah!!!
Hjh Syarifah ......special invited guests........
Mr. Vinneth and Mr. Rajesh....from Serikandi Group
Invited guests were treated to our Special Makan ..the Serikandi Ways.....
Ayog menari dengan Irama Gambus.."Bang tayyib.".....
D' Bling-Bling sisters with Mdm. Tiff and Cici..
Piut-Piut...D'arab-families....ayung menari gambus......
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