Also present our former headmaster, Dato paduka Haji Jemat bin Ampal of the AAC.College......
Some 60 students and teachers if the intake rekindled old friendships. There are atotal of
129 students in 1981
131 students in 1982
of AAC X form 5 students......
After all these years, it's great to catch up with old friends of the College......
.............................HJH. KURSINAH SANI.........................
Importance: High
Assalammualaikum/greetings to all my freinds
Alhamdulliah and congrats, the event of REUNION/Get-Together Dinner which was held last Saturday, 24th November 2007 at Li-Gong Restaurant, Empire Hotel & Country Club was well receipt by our old schoolmates/classmates with the presence of our two Guests of Honour Yang Berhormat Pehin Hj Suyoi and Dato Paduka Hj Jemat. (unfortunately not all of our xForm 5 schoolmates/classmate can make it.. missing them all..)
Those who attended, I sincerely like to say my thank you for your time out away from your family and those who unable to join, insyaallah, next time will do. Also sincerely apologies incase our friend have a hard time to locate the venue of our event.
I would like to highlight my remarks last night:
" Organising a REUNION takes up alot of time and effort and it wouldn't be a success with your help as it is not easy to get and, we didin't give up and we worked hard to make it happen... (and it was happened! syukur alhamdullilah...)
My main objective for organisiingi this, as the invitation to everyone is to keep our network and relationship stronger... And with this event, its an excellent opportunity for us to meet our long lost freinds and teachers...(however, few teachers been contacted but unable to join us)..
We will continue to maintain our relationships and this will not be the first and the last. Lets keep this as the opening gate for everyone of us to keep this going on and may be InsyaAllah there will be another REUNION/Get-Together sometime in the future.. Next Year.... we never know!."
Please forward this congrats to some of our friends that not in the email system or that I missed from beginning.. to ensure that we will keep in touch.
Thank you to everyone for your support and cooperations.
Once again, Congrats to all and keep in touch.
Note: Picture taken during that evening will forward to you once I got it from the photographer..
Best regards
Menyanyi beramai ramai sama kawan kawan sekelas 1981/1982
New Band Boys on the Blog......AAC Ex. form 5 students 1981/1982.....
("Samadek Nadai.".....meaning "better then nothin".....lah!!!) he...he...he...
Our X student 1981/1982.. Lieutenant Colonel Rani with our guests of honour....
meliat liat gambar gambar lama 26 thaun lalu......semua masih hensom hensom......dan rugged rugged.......but now most sudah kawin dan ada anak........
wo....cali lah gambar kami atu....he....he.......
che'gu...saya anak murid yg rajin masa sekulah..dulu.....kah?.
arab-families invited as co-sponsors of the event...........
Ex. student reading Puisi... called Klass 81/82........puisi kilat kali ah...!!!
26 years ago they were in the same class.......
Dato....deliverying his speech.......remembering 26 years ago while he is in A.A.C. Seria...
Gambar bersama Guru lama.... AAC 81/82..Yang mulia Dato......
Shasha with Chairlady of the nite.....AAC re union 81/82
Kawan lama...seiring dan sejalan.......semasa sekulah....
D'3 the same class 81/82........ha..he....we meet again after 26 years!!!
wah..mana siok sekulah or keraja..?
This was all.... support from few friends who kindly assists in contact personally to some friends that not in the email system....
Thank you again for you support and sponsering......
said the Chairlady.....Sina 2007
till we meet again...Inshallah....
talented local singer...EX AAC.students of 1981/1982.... Mr and Mrs. Adenan....G!!!!
as recording artists.....
1 comment:
It is really merely to see AAC student reunion, well it is not my year, but I left AAC in 1976....more senior, though.First of all my congratulation to the originiser, the arab families. Hope this happen more often so that we still had the networking amoung our ex class mate...Love from me :) angel3059
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