Ahlan, Marhabban, Mabruk..!!!!
Salam to all........
Selamat jalan to our bro BinFadil we wish you the best of luck again to down under.
Hope to see you success and happiness with your future dreams....

Last week we made a special gathering to our bro BinFadil, and it happened to be a CNY eve, he..he..he...So it is a double happiness for our nite...
Arab-families Palace were just awalking distance to the Chinese temple...
(next door only).....what a Good Fang Sui...!!!

View of Jalan Maulana KB during the (CNY)... Chinese New Year Eve's

View from Jalan Pandan Tiga next to Arab-families Palace....

Fireworks at works........during CNY Eve.......

Jalan Maulana Kb. during CNY eve......

Hakim spend his birthday in Arab-families Palace during CNY eve.....

Cici and her cousin Nabilah at Arab-families Palace.....

Hakim and Sis. Nabilah

Hakim..with his camera.....

Kb.Princess at Arab-families palace......

Your Greatness welcome to our Palace.......

Our bro.King of Kb.Princess were invited too....

Serious discussions with Senor Pablo about blogging....

Some guests outside the Palace were having good times

Princess Rara and Safurul

Our post BinFadil..for his farewell dinner in KB....with our families..
Good luck bro......

The kambar's of Arab-families

We celebrated Hakim's b'day at the same time to give him a surprise during CNY...nite.

Kb.Princess with Mr.Lv helping themselves with the Chinese Oranges....

sambil makan menunggu badil melatup jam 12.00 malam...
komi pak choy kali ah!....he.he..

my mum , Princess Rara and invite guests,hakim and his dear friend.

Mum Sharifah with KB. Princess during CNY eve.........

1 comment:
It does look like a good bon voyage-get together family party.I adore your family they are so close and happy :)
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