"A right hand vehicles cannot drive in Oman." said the civilian dressed officer. "You have to go back". Oh-man, OMAN!
Our thoughts were rotating. Back was no option as we had no visa and Brunei was in the east anyhow.
Besides we had press conference on Tuesday and TV on Sunday. "Sir," Harun bowed down like an English butler before his lordship master and made himworried: "Sir, please, on Tuesday is press conference" Thursday it will be in the Oman papers, that we could not enter. On Sunday
Norhayati is live TV in Brunei, you can see it here if you have satellite dish. Half the world will know you lower the barrier in front of us"
These were the big guns we brought in position and he became obviously concerned and went to his boss in the office. We discussed our options: Back to Yemen? No way! We had to go on. If needed we sleep here call the embassy next morning ask them to organize
us a trailer to transit JAMBO on it through Oman. Oh-man!
Nowhere dear reader did we hear about this restriction. Not in travel books, nor internet, nor in the Oman embassy in Brunei.
When they came, the officer said:" You can go to Salalah" but tomorrow morning see the police chief. He will inspect the car and
maybe give you the permission. We sign a paper agreeing and confirming this intention and thanked them for their trust in us.
They were at all times gentlemen. We know it was a risk for them too. The chief of the border station gave his mobile number:" If there
is problem call"
Our way about 190 km through the mountains towards Salalah was long, the night dark and cold. Four hours we drove carefully until
finally we saw the orange streetlights of Salalah, reflecting in the dark sky. A hotel in the outskirt awaited us, the rack rate was
35.- Rial a night. We got it for 16.- including a breakfast.
Go to their's websites and read more......very intersting journey....wassalam!!!
1 comment:
They set a good example of what Bruneian can achieved. Good luck to both of them, hopefully they will get a major celebration once back in Brunei.
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