As yesterday, 19th.Aug.2007 was the last day of the expo, hundreds of people thronged the ICC to sample the foods and drinks being displayed by the exhibitors from other countries and also buy other products at the last day.
As you can see good bargains being offered like buy 1 FREE 1, 4 FREE 1....
Very good responds from the public as the last day.....mari...mari...mari....abg n akak......
Roti Arab Baladi.....untuk ANDA seisi Keluarga,......roti ini memang laku lah kat expo....boleh cacah dengan kari ayam memang cun...... lah,......ya..pakchik?.. amacham? sedadap tak?...he...he...he...
Sunday..19th.8.2007, is the last and the final day the Halal food expo at ICC, some of almost 10,000 people had visited the 2nd.International expo today,.....where yesterday were about 8,000 people.....flocked in to ICC.(according to reports only)
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