His Majesty the Sultan and yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, 18th.Aug.2007....consented to launch two momentous events-the 'Brunei Halal Brand' and the offical opening of the 2nd International Halal Products Expo (IHPE) 2007, at International Convention Center in Brunei Darussalam.

Today 18.98.2007, we saw the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd.International Halal products,...this booth belong to Organic Gain Sdn. Bhd. (OGSB) specialized in the research, development and production of herbal products from NONI...Malaysian fruits.

Mdm.Tiff looking at a Indonesian Booth GERAK TANI, selling Healthy Spices...ParTea.....to prevent diabetes..stroke and other degenerative diseases.

Aussie Products all Natural.....Organic...

From Plentyfoodgroup from Victoria Australia..carrying image of....growing Business Together.......bringing the taste of Victoria.

arab-families in-front of the Pavilion..entrance

Mildura Products from Australia...Mdm you can try our Sunkist from Aussie ,..very very sweets.....mem.

The launching our Brunei owned PREMIUM HALAL ...products,..MAFFRA cheese Company,.....TARAGO R.I.V.E.R,.....Redback....ect......and many more..'BRUNEI HALAL BRAND LAUNCHED'....as of today....

Selamat Datang di Baw Baw!...(you know)... Baw Baw Country is located in the rolling green hills of Gippsland, Victoria,Australia and features some of Australia's finest and leading food manufactures.

Mdm. Tiff listening to SIMPLY TOMATOES, explaining about New antipastos preserved in salt and vinegar brine and finished in extra-virgin olive oil, oregano and garlic.....

Mdm. Tiff with Josie Abdullah...from Australian Trade Commission,...Looking for new Australia products or services.....visit...www.austrade.gov.au

Brunei's owned products being displayed....... 'BRUNEI PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT LOCAL EFFORTS'.....Made in Brunei Darussalam..........

Colek-Colek kembayau Brunei's owned sauces Company by SRI LYEIRA ENTEPRISE.... local tastes......nyaman lai.....siok lai.....cuba lai..........

Brunei biscuits and delicacies.....citarasa Brunei... kueh moor....kueh sapit......and many many more.......

Sauces with the real taste of Brunei.....packed and produced in Brunei....carrying massage 'PRODUCT OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM.'

Parents and childrens enjoying food testing in all the booths.....nyaman..ma! siok ma!....mau lagi ma!

arab-families with..Bassem Salam from Damascus,.Syria.. selling ARABIAN HANDICRAFT................. very unique

Some of the Malaysian Booths selling Malaysian products........mcm2ada......

arab-families looking at he booths selling RADIX COFFEE and TEH HERBA PEGAGA. . boleh cuba.....mari..mari...

Herbal Tea from Malaysia ....MAS COTEK ,....100% Original Herbal.....to prevent diabetes....

This one is very special,.....a new revolution in water technology,....ECPI ...Not just a drinking water,...ECPI WAVE ENERGY WATER,..A DRINKING WATER WITH A THOUSAND THERAPEUTIC VALUES.

Met Mr.Lawrence Loh from Brunei,.....author (Freelance writer)...he wrote book in THANK GOODNESS I HAVE CANCER,...how he got Cancer, what cause Cancer,..etc...you may email him.
He gave me tips hoe to get good massages,....from head to toes....good massager..lah.. Mr.Lawrence Loh....his books on sale in Brunei Darussalam, how he discover himself got Cancer....and now he got Cancer Treatment Center in Brunei Darussalam,..you my call him..+6738188865 or +6738177765

arab-families dicussing with Mr.Lawrance and Mdm.Eliza from Organic Gain (M) Sdn. Bhd....Your Partners in Healthy Living...products.

Schools childrens are invited to enjoy food sampling in all of the booths...for 2 days......

Cooking, Sampling and Testing of food products by experts from Malaysia...Companies ...Looking for buyers....to expend their business here in Brunei Darussalam....
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