arab-families garage sales were organised by Rara's and D'Team,.....today,...also in conjunction to officially use our Multi Purpose Garage.......at our home in K.Belait...the event start from 10.00am till 5.00pm......today....welldone Rara's and D"Team for you initiatives.

Many people turn up today and the respond are good from the public........

our New Multi Purpose Garage..................officially used today......bravo!!!! Don Diago's for the Garage Designs....

Rara's make sure all the things planned by D"Team works well......"hope so"...she said.....our items goes as low as B$0.50 per items

the purpose of our garage sales is to teach all the arab-families young generations to learn some business basics,.......and learning curves among them.........

Cloths selling at a very cheap prices,...as low B$1.00 per piece.....mari mari......murah..murah....jangan marah.........

Rara's and D"Team are happy, the respond are good....belajar..belajar tah... business... sikit-sikit alai ku semua...semogoa satu hari kamu menjadi peniaga yg sukess dan berjaya....amin...

Most items are CD's, books, magazines,....used cloths,..T-shirts,.....hand bags,.....ladies accesories,.......etc..etc.......

We hope to organise another Garage Sales with many....many more ......used items....but still in GOOD state conditions....at a very cheap and reasonable prices.....all n all Rara's got a total of B$200+++ for the sales.....he...he...he.
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