These pictures taken in 1950, arab-families don't even exist at that time,..ha...ha...ha...

arab-families were born in this Seria Oil Town of Brunei Darussalam in Dec. 1959....for the past 28 years we lived here.... than moved to Kuala Belait until today....most members of the arab-families were borned in this SERIA.......TOWN

The oldest cinema called "MARINA CINEMA" (Panggung Marina),.......It is already closed now......we used to see alot of movies like Chines, Malay Indonesian and Indian Hindustan Movies,.they even had mid-nite show......I remember paying ticket for B$0.50 for the show.....class Kambing..lah....he....he...he...and some times the back door!!!! ha..ha..haa.....

SERIA PLAZA, used to be old shops houses before it burned down by fire more than 25 years ago.......

The latest building in SERIA.... Food Courts.....KOMPLEKS SRI SELERA, SERIA...stalls for Malay and Chinese stalls.....officially opened in 2007....

Shop- House no 44, Jalan Bunga Melor, Seria .... all the members of the arab-families were borned here..(this building were actually belongs to the arab-families grand father)...If not mistaken it was build in 1950's....this place bring alot of memories to all our arab-families 5brother and 3sisters.........banyak kanangan yg tak dapat di lupakan..............

The most popular coffee shop until today, among young, old, retired and pensioned members of the publics..."UNIVERSAL CAFE",....popular with Roti Kawin, Roti Cheese...Cream Puff....and good taste of teh and coffee....... reasonable prices and clean surroundings....for more than 50 years in business.

BELAIT SHOES MANUFACTURER,....down to generations until today,... the sole agent 'RED WINGS' safety shoes...I think this shop-house and the Company already in business before we were born 1959.....

As you can see the old shop-houses still worth about B$1m per block,.........class 'A' shops......woo......woo........

The Seria Plaza from far....................Actuall there are more older places in this Seria Town,..which I cannot cover all of them....such as our Schools, Mosque, Clubs and many many more.....places....

Another popular eating outlet WYWY Chicken Rice,.........."HALAL"

Popular super market in the center of the Oil town Seria......selling almost everyting under one roof......'MILI MEWAH' ...........

I met this Malay Uncle "D PAUN'S" families,... I know he lived in this town for more than 65 years....this is uncle always SMILES......I recon he is in 70's........
1 comment:
Thanks for the photos. Certainly brings back memories. I left Seria in 1992. It's been a long time.
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