Ahlan washaln!!!!!......from arab-families...Marhabban!!!....our eldest Sh.Hj.Ahmad Sh.Hj.Said Al-Hijazi....

Ahlan...."Marhabban Ya-Ramadan"....al-Mubarak!....."Selamat Datang Ya-Ramadan"...from all arab-families wishes to all Muslims..in Brunei Darussalam.." Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan yg mubarak"....

Alhmadulilah,..with the blessing of Allah .. the arab-families with the collaboration of our"SERIKANDI GROUP" made contribution of 444 cartoons of mineral water to all 13 Mosques and Suraus in the Belait district , to assist in their's activities during the whole month of "Taddarus Ramadan", in Belait District........the event took place this morning at SCR buliding.

Each of the Mosque received 37 cartoons of mineral water....... for 1 month suppllies...malam malam..." Taddarus Al-Quraan"


The distributions done at Serikandi Cafe and restaurant KB,....with the assistance of officials from Pegawai Takmir Masjid KB...Pg. Hj.Ibrahim.....

our eldest (sh.hj.Ahmad) presenting the mineral water....

All the Imams and officials from the 13 Mosques and Suraus of Belait District... were present today...morning....

To start the ceremony with Surah Al -Fatihah.....

Pg. Hj. Ibrahim...giving the speech..... and advice that,..hoping this type of activities will inspire other private and public organisation in the Belait district......

Doa Selamat were read by Imam Hj.Abd.Hamid...........Inshallah we hope to continue this efforts yearly....Amim..."Marhabban Ya-Rmamadan...". Semoga amalan kita yg ikhlas ini di terima dan di berkati oleh Allah SWT...Amin...Ya..Rabb....
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