The Guest of Honour was The Minister of religious Affairs Pehin Jawatan Luar Pekerma Raja Dato Seri Utama Dr.Ustaz Haji Mohd. Zain bin Haji Serudin. (Pic. show) The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Mr. Mohamad bin Jameel Abdul Jaleel Hashim receiving the Chief Guest at the function....
Congratulation.! The Saudi Arabia Embassy in Negara Brunei Darussalam celebrated its National Day last nite,... arab-families were invited to attend the celebration at one of the leading Hotel in Gadong.....8th.Sept. 2007

Pictures of the Guest of Honour at the receptions with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia....
Some of the VIP's....were our Senior Government officers, Foreign dignitaries and their ladies.... attending the function.....
Once again..Congratulations to The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the celebration last nite 8th.Sept.2007
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