Oh! What a blast last night 26.1.2008.....Mabruk......Mabruk....!!!
Serikandi Group....Serikandi Group....Serikandi Group......our Golden Sponsor....
The First KB Blogger Night became a reality and lightened up the town in KB.
I would like firstly, to thank everyone who came to the event.
I couldn't thank enough and do it without the brains of KB Princess ( KB Happening), Nonnie King and Senor Pablo who made up the organising committee, in doing the preparations for the event.....with Arab-families.
Thank you to Mr Zamri Zainal, who become the official photographer for the evening.
Thank you to DST Simpur Blogging Nation and West Egrets for kindly donating prizes and door gifts for the evening.
Thank you to Mr.Rano, Anak Brunei, Alin Kurapak and his crew, Ucingitam, Gokil,Maurina, Beyla,Safarul,Amal Iskandar of OGDC and everyone I cannot remember meeting them last Nite.... who were such a great sport last night.
Thank you to those that brought birthday cakes for Madam Tiff. (Mr.Rano thanks for the B"day cake...your cake nyaman lah...!)..
She would like to extend her thanks for those kind hearts!, that include Bunny Pablo who came with her cup-cakes for all of us to enjoy.
In case some of you may asked, why did I organise the event in Kay Bee?
This is a good start to create a forum for KayBee Blogger to get to know one another and do their networking. I invited some of blogger from Bandar to create a harmonious atmosphere. Hopefully, future events will include many more blogger...
....I'm sorry of any short coming, as we were expecting our beloved DJ last nite...but he cannot make it...instead I took over his place...as DJ....he....he...he....
lain kali lagi ah.....we call DJ from overseas....
To...Serikandi's and the crews thank you for your sponsored......
All...Arab-families, brothers and sisters for being so sporting........
KB.Happenings thank you!!!
Here I posted some of the photog i took last nite...as I became the DJ at the same time.....
Running here and there.....ho..ho..ho...
Hope you all enjoy it....tq!

BinKhalid from Arab-families.....

Senor Pablo....as invited guests delivering his speech and advices......to KB.blogger

Marhabban..welcome! Bro....Rano to our 1st KB.Blogger Nite 2008.

Bro...AnakBrunei..thank you for coming and supporting our event last nite...
(Apa macm kambing Don'Diego's style....)
hai..bro ..I like you style...!!!
my organising team..KB.Princess, Nonnie, pablo with our invited guests..
Rano and kurapak & Crew...

BinKhalid, Marul and Bro. Alin...

KB. Princess and Nonnie King..my chairladies of the nite...
Congratulations!! on good.... job welldone!!!

Birthday cakes sponsored by Buny pablo from Arab-families.
...thanks from Mdm.Tiff......
BinAz and Mdm.Ros...from Arab-families..
thanks for you support on our project..tonight..

To my Young arab-families..gang....thank you for making it.....
Berabbbbbeeessssss..!!! (lawa berabis!)

Bro.Marul manage to made a courtesy call to see our beloved eldest Father
Shaikh Ahmad of arab-families

SisNazura with mdm.Tiff...
Happy birthday to you mdm.Tiff
Happy Birthday to you SisNazura
may 'ALLAH blessed you both"...Amin
Bro.BinSaid and... families...Makan..lai.

Senor Pablo with young arab-families...
Mr. Rano with our KB. Blogger.....

Our KB. Blogger...
Thank you to West Egrets for you kind sponsored.......of this event.

Stels..and the Kb. Blogger

Thank you Bro..in helping to make our event a success......
Our Kb.Blogger....
Bro..Alin "Kurapak" I liked you baju lah....

BinHanafi big boss from arab-families...

arab-families..from Al-Hijazi..

The BlingBling Sisters with their uncle.....Pablo..
from arab-families...

Mr.Lv with arab-families...

Young arab-families..the Moooosssssst...!!! (most)
bergaya durang ani.....masa mlm atu.

Mr. Lv, Cici ...and ehem ehem!!! our guests from KB. Bloggers Nite....Cool yeh!!!
Princess Rara and Safarul our neighbour....from KB.Bloggers....

BinKhalis from arab-families....
mana itu unta tuan shaikh..?.......sekarang pakai kuda lah!!!!
Arab modern lah....!!!
Arab-families.......with Cow boys looks during the Nite.....
KB.Bloggers Nite 2008.

Cici, Shasha and Mdm. Tiff....from arab-families...

Hai..lerry , When lerry, Bye lerry..and lari lerry......games time
Hai Lerry ..and where is Mr.Lerry....and Who is Lerry......?

Mr.Lv. Deen..605

Princess Rara from Arab-families....gambus Rocks!!!
Mr.Pablo, Murina, Muaz...and our invited guest came to meet KB.Bloggers...
Umi Rock's..the baby with the gambus...!!!
Wan Afifah and sis from arab-families....
young arab-families gang!!!
Umi26.blogspot.com also from arab-familes.
Mdm. Tiff, Sherry and Mr.Lv....rocks the gambusssss!!!
Group dance from arab-families..bergambus!!

Happy birthday madm. Tiff ..semoga bertambah lawa dan muda....lagi...
apa lagi durang ani the whole families sporting tah jua dan bergambus.
tua dan muda ind mau ketinggalan....
Hidup Gambus Kunci Batu.....
Rock jua kamu ani..bukan padang pasir lah.....ni....

Daliza from arab-families came to join our 1st. KB. Bloggers Nite...
she always give full support on our project..thanks dear!!!

Sherry and BinKhairi from arab-families....

Princess Rara and Umi26..from arab-families.....
arab-families new generation KID'S...
Azirahfrom arab-families posing with Newlooks during the bloggers nite.....
woooo Azirah.....mabruk

BinYamin also from arab-families....wellcome boy!!
rajin2 saja datang..enjoy with us arab-families.
Cici makan kak hari jadi...Mdm. Tiff....sponsored by Bunny Pablo

Cici, Shasha and mdm.Tiff....from arab-families..
Watch out.......Our Next project... KB.Blogger ROCK"S